

Was watching RCTI earlier today at KBRI, the news was on, and as I expected, the main issue is still about the flood. If you haven't heard yet, Jakarta is currently experiencing a huge flood, comparable to the one that happened 5 years ago. This time, it is said to cover about 70% of Jakarta's surface. I really feel sorry to those who are suffering from it, and pray for their well being.

However, one thing that really disturbs me is that when they interviewed the governor and some other important people from the government, most of what they had to say consisted of finger-pointings and blaming others for past mistakes and what that should have been done that would have prevented this from happening. While I acknowledge that some constructive criticism is invaluable, and that correcting past mistakes would help them prepare for the future (which is what they SHOULD have done better after the 2002 flood), this should be done AFTER things have settled down, finger-pointing at this moment would NOT help anyone!!! If anything, it would make things even worse, making people who should be working together to find a way out of this into hating each other (probably hate is not the right word here, but I can't think of another word at the moment).
Though I have to admit that I did not follow the whole story of the disaster, since I only got most of my news from the bbc website, but still, I believe that creating more animosity in the middle of a disaster won't do any good...

Just giving some opinion...

ANYWAY on other issues... I just moved to a new place a couple of weeks ago, and it's been quite nice here. I'll tell a bit more on this probably in my next post :)


Anonymous said...

wow nar...deviant art kamu oke punya juga... =D hebat...ayo kapan2 kita hunting foto barengan...


Dessy said...

hI nAR!! so i guess i hvnt changed ur link in my blog huh? i'll do that later :D as for my plan of updating my blog with my job progress, sheesh there's so much to write that im too lazy to do that! hehe. whatever happened to my blogging addiction?? oh i dont know!!

Anonymous said...

new blog??
killer whale wanna be?
gw juga mau jadi killer whale .. hehehe
